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Digimon Castle

Guilmon Comes Alive

Didn't like: Calumon's voice sort of.
Favorite parts: The beginning, Guilmon appearing, Guilmon making those sounds when he appeared.
Comments: I liked this episode. The only setback was Calumon's voice. But otherwise, it was great!
Rating: 5

Digimon, Digimon, Everywhere

Didn't like: Nothing
Favorite parts: Guilmon roaming around in school, the conversation with the principal, when Takato finds Guilmon.
Comments: Ha, I loved it when Guilmon said "Takatomon, I need a new box." Also, I liked it when Guilmon was in the school.
Rating: 5

To fight or not to fight

Didn't like: Nothing
Favorite parts: Guilmon Vs. Renamon, Terriermon digivolving, the digimon trying to stop Gargomon.
Comments: I loved this episode! Definitly the part when Terriermon digivolved.
Rating: 5

It came from the other side

Didn't like: Most of this episode was boring.
Favorite parts: Where there was action.
Comments: Eh, This episode was OK.
Rating: 3

Dream a little dream

Didn't like: Rika's mom.
Favorite parts: Renamon vs. Allomon, all the digimon wanting Rika as their Tamer, Renamon vs. Dokugumon, Renamon protecting Rika, Renamon digivolving.
Comments: I liked the part with Renamon and Dokugumon the best. I love Renamon's digivolution, Kyubimon.
Rating: 5

O partner, where art thou


Now you see it, now you don't

Didn't like: Yamaki, I hate him.
Favorite parts: When they found Guilmon.
Comments: Well it was an average episode.
Rating: 4.

A question of trust

Didn't like: I didn't like that police officer and when Takato yelled at Guilmon.
Favorite parts: When Devidramon appeared, when Guilmon digivolved, and when Growlmon defeated Devidramon.
Comments: I really felt bad when Takato yelled at Guilmon... But otherwise I loved the episode.
Rating: 4 1/2

Not as seen on TV

Didn't like: They color on Growlmon after the rain. Ew.
Favorite parts: When Growlmon was crying because Takato was afraid of him and Growlmon turning back into Guilmon.
Comments: The part with the rainbow and Growlmon de-digivolving was sweet.
Rating: 4

The Icemon Cometh

Didn't like: Rika's scream when she was being kidnapped.
Favorite parts: All the times IceDevimon was sneaking up on Rika, When IceDevimon showed Rika all those digimon frozen in the ceiling, Renamon going to rescue Rika, When Renamon digivolved, When Terriermon expanded himself, when IceDevimon got his head stuck in the ceiling, and Guilmon defeating IceDevimon.
Comments: One of the best episodes ever. I loved it when IceDevimon got his head stuck in the ceiling lol. It looked funny.
Rating: 5

Much ado about Musyamon


Divided they stand

Didn't like: Yamaki, again.
Favorite parts: Mainly the ones with Rika and Renamon in it.
Comments: This episode was... um... fair...
Rating: 3 1/2


Didn't like: Gr... I despise Yamaki...
Favorite parts: I liked it when DarkLizamon was like stuck somewhere and at Hypnos they are going to do something to him but he dies and his data remains. I don't know why I like this part.
Comments: Good episode.
Rating: 4

Grow mon grow

Didn't like: When Gargomon was up and he was about to be attacked... His scream was like... yuck and when WarGrowlmon said: "As you say so, Tamer." I hated that line.
I hated that...
Favorite parts: All the digimon digivolving and facing Mahiramon, Takato feeling every hit, Growlmon's digivolution. WarGrowlmon!
Comments: Loved this episode.
Rating: 5

Snakes, trains, and digimon

Didn't like: When Takato was playing with his class with Guilmon.
Favorite parts: When Terriermon rescued the kid with the Wargreymon Sheild, when Rika used the speed modify card on Kyubimon and they ran after then Deva.
Comments: Very nice, I liked the part when the Deva told the tamers about the other Devas.
Rating: 4 1/2

Back to nature, back to battle

Didn't like: Nothing.
Favorite parts: Everyone sitting on Guilmon, The owl, and the digimon playing in the water.
Comments: I loved the owl because of his voice heh.
Rating: 4

Duel with a Deva

Didn't like: Nothing.
Favorite parts: When Vajramon and Rajramon appeared, When they were eating all th digital equipment, Gargomon vs. Rajramon, Renamon vs. Vajramon, When Gargomon got turnd to stone by Henry's card, Gargomon's digivolution to Rapidmon, and Rapidmon vs. Rajramon.
Comments: I like Vajramon. Heh, also Rapidmon too. This episode was great.
Rating: 5

Digital Beauty

Didn't like: Rika's mom forcing Rika to wear that dress.
Favorite parts: The battle with Vajramon, Kyubimon digivolving to Taomon. The end with Rika and Renamon.
Comments: Loved the battle with Vajramon. That was the best.
Rating: 5

Impmon's last stand

Didn't like: Impmon in this episode.
Favorite parts: The digimon vs. Indramon.
Comments: I hated Impmon in this episode. He was annoying.
Rating: 4

Out of the blue

Didn't like: Nothing really.
Favorite parts: When Growlmon digivolved to WarGrowlmon and he used his Atomic Blaster to defeat Indramon.
Comments: Indramon's death was cool.
Rating: 4

Jeri's Quest

Didn't like: Leomon's entrance by a rainbow. O.o
Favorite parts: Jeri chasing Leomon, Takato calling Henry, and when Leomon grabbed Calumon before he could yell to Jeri that he was hiding in Guilmon's hideout.
Comments: This episode was okay.
Rating: 3

The Boar Wars

Didn't like: Nothing.
Favorite Parts: The Tamers vs. Vikararamon and when the tamers realy wished for a Blue Card and they got one.
Comments: Good episode.
Rating: 4

A World Apart

Didn't like: Nothing.
Favorite parts: When the Tamers were yelling and Rapidmon goes: "What's all the yelling about!?"
Comments: Loved this episode.
Rating: 5

The Journey Begins

Didn't like: When Rika wore that dress to please her mom.
Favorite Parts: When Takato came into the store with Guilmon and his parents freaked when they saw Guilmon and when Takato''s teacher read all of the tamers goodbye letters in their notebooks.
Comments: This episode was very good.
Rating: 5

Brave New Digital World

Didn't like: The Jagamon. I pictured them alot bigger than like 2 feet. Also, Meramon's death. It happened all too quick.
Favorite parts: When Rika and Renamon went after Kazu and Kenta to save them from the data stream.
Comments: The only bad part of the episode was with Meramon and the Jagamon but still, this episode was great.
Rating: 4

Kazu and Kenta's Excellent Adventure


Motorcycle Madness

Didn't like: When one of the MudFrigimon died.
Favorite Parts: When the motorcycle appeared, Guilmon on the motorcycle, Takato trying to get Guilmon to stop.
Comments: I loved it when Guilmon was on the bike. Heh.
Rating: 4

Blame It On Ryo

Didn't like: Megadramon getting beat up. :'(
Favorite parts: (Oh boy here's alot ^.^;;) Clockmon and Hagurumon talking throughput the episode, When Megadramon appeared (I love Megadramon!!), Renamon vs. Megadramon, Cyberdramon's entrance, Ryo's entrance, Rika yelling at Kazu and Kenta, Rika shaking hands with Ryo, Kazu and Kenta like worshiping Ryo, Rika jealous of Ryo, Kazu and Rika fighting, Rika and Ryo's conversation, and Rika leaving the group.
Comments: I LOVED THIS EPISODE!! One of the best episodes out there!!
Rating: 5 (I wish I could give it more) :P


Didn't like: Nothing.
Favorite parts: Takato seeing the good luck charm in his backpack, Calumon and his crazy rhyme, Knightmon mumbling to himself down the hall, The scarecrow digimon, Ryo using the Goliath card on Cyberdramon, & Cyberdramon defeating Majiramon.
Comments:  Did Ryo's voice sound weird when he said "Goliath Activate!"? Or was it just me?
Rating: 5

The Imperfect Storm


Kazu's Upgrade


Shibumi Speaks

Didn't like: Nothing really.
Favorite parts: When Takato and Henry were underwater.
Comments: There were a few boring parts but the episode itself was very informative.
Rating: 3

Rabbit Transit

Didn't like: Nothing.
Favorite parts: Suzy playing with Antylamon, Antylamon, Suzy getting her digivice, and Lopmon's entrance.
Comments: I loved all the parts with Antylamon and Suzy. Antylamon is one of my favorite digimon.
Rating: 5


Didn't like: Leomon dying... Poor Leomon...
Favorite Parts: Just before Leomon died he said to Jeri that she had a Lion's Heart, that was my favorite part.
Comments: This episode was very touching.
Rating: 4 1/2

Give A Little Bit

Didn't like: Beelzemon was kind of.. well... weird... and Takato Biomerging with Guilmon. It's just the begining of the evolution I like the rest its just well. :o
Favorite parts: Takato shining red (Hehe, sparkly...), WarGrowlmon biting Beelzemon, WarGrowlmon digivolving to Megidramon, Megidramon's drool is acid, & Takato biomerging with Guilmon (Second part).
Comments: I love Megidramon, he's one of my favorite digimon. Also like I said before the beginning of the digivolution was.... :o
Rating: 5

The Battle Within

Didn't like: Nothing.
Favorite Parts: The Battle with Gallantmon and Beelzemon, The other tamers wondering and finding out that Takato and Guilmon joined as one, Catsuramon going after Lopmon but Terriermon blocked Catsuramon's attack and saving Lopmon, and when Takato got his new digivice.
Comments: Loved the part with Catsuramon.
Rating: 5

No Mon is an Island

Didn't like: Nothing.
Favorite parts: Ha, I loved the part when Rika was yelling at Takato, When Guardromon said to Kazu, "I'm sure you'll make many girls sad!", When The Digimon faced Zhuqioumon, Zhuqioumon persuading Lopmon to follow him again but Lopmon refused, When Suzy got transported to the battle, when Kazu asked Guardromon were Suzy was, When Rapidmon was up on th wall badly injured still trying to stop Zhuqioumon, When Terriermon and Henry biomerged to MegaGargomon, MegaGargomon vs. Zhuqioumon, and the ending when Zhuqioumon appears again.
Comments: This episode also, was one of the best. I loved it!
Rating: 5

Azulongmon Explains All

Didn't like: Nothing.
Favorite Parts: Taomon and the tamers getting tossed around in that sheild bubble thing by Zhuqioumon, Azulongmon's entrance, Guilmon and Terriermon trying to stop Zhuqioumon, Takato jumping off the bubble thing to save Guilmon from Zhuqioumon's attack, Takato and Guilmon biomerging, Gallantmon vs. Zhuqioumon, and when Ryo met Baihumon.
Comments: I loved the battle with Gallantmon and Zhuqioumon, too bad Aulongmon had to stop the battle.
Rating: 5

Song of Sakuyamon

Didn't like: Sakuyamon's little poem thing after her digivolution.
Favorite parts: (Here's alot) When Ryo met with the tamers, Rika going down the canyon to get Calumon, Ryo going after her, Renamon begging Rika to go back but Rika refuses to return, Rika meeting Calumon, Rika's backpack getting deleted by the chaos, Cyberdramon saving Rika by slashing the chaos in half before it could hit her, Ryo saving Rika's life also by pulling her in that little hole, the tamers going down Azulongmon's beard, Ryo's plan to stall the chaos, Ryo's armor going bye bye, Rika just staring at the floor while Ryo's asking what's wrong with her, Rika refusing to go up the cliff with Ryo, Rika giving Ryo Calumon, Ryo yelling "Rikaaaaaa!", Rika jumping off, Rika glowing, Rika biomerging with Renamon to become.... Sakuyamon!, Sakuyamon stopping the chaos (But I didn't like her poem thing), Ryo being impressed by Rika's performence, Jeri running up to Rika glad that Rika's not hurt, and when the chaos exploded at the end. (Whew... ^.^;;)
Comments: This is the best episode of 03. Plus, Were Ryo and Rika like flirting or something!?
Rating: 5 (I wanna give it more!!)

Janyu's Ark

Didn't like: Jeri.. O.o
Favorite parts: Calumon flying up in th sky to release his light of digivolution, All the digimon digivolving to Mega, The digimon beating up Beelzemon, and Renamon and Rika going off to find Impmon with only 30 minutes left until they are picked up by the ark to take them home.
Comments: Good episode.
Rating: 4

Homeward Bound

Didn't like: When they got home... Like they came down from the ark like angels.. And I didn't like the way Jeri's father was treating her.
Favorite Parts: Ryo volunteering to go find Rika, Guilmon begging the ark to stop, the ark stopping, Rika and Ryo apearing, Rika picking up Takato, When they jumped in the ark the digimon de-digivolved, Cyberdramon de-digivolving to Monodramon, all the tamers like falling or something in the ark, the others wondering why Rika went back to save Impmon, Takato thanking the ark for stopping, Takato thinking about Jeri, Ryo flirting with Rika (Were they!?), the ark giving up all its strength to get the tamers out of the digital world, the tamers getting reunited with their parents, Kazu getting hit on the head by his father (lol), Takato taking Jeri home, Takato telling Jeri that he likes her, and when Takato heard the on the news that the chaos is back.
Comments: This episode was great. Alot of important stuff was shown too.


Didn't like: MonoDramon's voice when I heard it I went "Ahh!" and I like fell out of my bed. I expected like mor of a tough voice like Cyberdramon's and there wasn't alot of action.
Favorite parts: Ryo, Ryo's dad, and Monodramon in the car, Monodramon pressing all the buttons, Ryo's dad yelling, "Stop touching everything!" (lol), Rika getting her new shirt (heh), Suzy teaching Lopmon how to talk right, (O.o) The Army going around the city, (It was like they didn't even know what they were doing lol) Terriermon singing that Guilmon loves Renamon, Takato and Rika blushing after Takato complimented Rika about her shirt, Henry confused by the whole thing (ROFL), and when the D-Reaper appeared.
Comments: I loved the part when Rika and Takato were blushing and Henry was confused, that cracked me up.
Rating: 4 1/2

Beelzemon's Big Day

Didn't like: The tamers making the bread... o.O
Favorite parts: When Ai gave Impmon his toy gun, when the toy gun turned into a huge machine gun, the tamers fighting the D-Reaper, and Beelzemon helping the others defeat the D-Reaper.
Comments: This episode had its good parts but then again, there wasn't much action...
Rating: 4

The Messenger

Didn't Like: Most of this episode was BORING. Also, I hated the part when they ate with their parents. That took up like half of the show. And, I didn't like it when Dobermon died. :'(
Favorite Parts: I liked the part when the tamers faced the D-Reaper's agent. I loved Dobermon too. Alice was cool also.
Comments: This must be one of the worst episodes. I only liked the ending with Alice and Dobermon. Then when they were going to biomerge, they finished the episode! What a rip-off. Also, there were too many commercials.
Rating: 1 1/2

The D-Reaper's Disquise

Didn't like: Nothing.
Favorite Parts: When they all became data, when they biomerged, when they fought the D-Reaper, and when Justimon appeared.
Comments: Aha! Now this was a big improvement from last week! I loved the part when Justimon appeared.
Rating: 5

When Is A Mon, Justimon?

Didn't like: Jeri's transformation and Jeri not responding to Calumon.
Favorite Parts: When the evil Jeri was talking to Takato, when Calumon went through the D-Reaper thing and made a pop sound (Hehe), when Beelzemon was shooting at the D-Reaper, when Jeri was behind the tree and said "You better hurry up and write that apology!" and her puppet broke open, and when Marineangemon shot those heart at the evil Jeri (I was confused but laughing so much... Corona Wais! Phoo! LOL).
Comments: I loved the part with Marineangemon. But just one problem... Why was this episode called, "When Is A Digimon, Justimon?" If Justimon was barely in it? :/
Rating: 5

His Kingdom For A Horse

Didn't like: That monster with the many mouths, that freaked me out, I also didn't like when that whole Jeri thing and the hallway was like going backwards, that was weird.
Favorite Parts: Jeri's evil side with the puppet, Jeri's dad getting tossed around by that D-Reaper thing, Rika biomerging with Renamon, Renamon and Guardromon flying beside the van, and Gallantmon defeating the D-Reaper thing.
Comments: This was a very good episode. It explained alot about Jeri and her dad's past.
Rating: 5

Shadow Of The Beast King

Didn't like: *Sniff* 47% of the Digital World has been destroyed... And everyone seeing Takato inside Gallantmon, Ew... Also, Calumon was so annoying in this episode... And Jeri didn't reach Beelzemon's hand, I was thinking "What an idiot!".
Favorite parts: Ryo like doing his little thumbs up and winking, Lopmon digivolving to Antylamon, Suzy modifying her first card, Antylamon saving Kazu and Kenta, Grani using his attack, the Yugoth Blaster, Beelzemon trying his hardest to get Jeri out of there, Beelzemon using Leomon's attack, and when Guilmon mentioned the bread machin in the beginning.
Comments: Good episode and good ending.
Rating: 5

D-Reaper's Feast

*Coming Soon!*

Jeri Fights Back

Didn't like: The Digimon going on fire when they jumped in the D-Reaper, I don't get it, it took like 3 megas to defeat the D-Reaper's agent with all the mouths, now here comes Gaurdromon and beats him with one hit! :/ Also, I didn't like when Kazu and Kenta got arrested, and Jeri's face in the D-Reaper thing, that was like... ew...
Favorite Parts: Takato biomerging with Guilmon to become Gallantmon, Gallantmon riding on Grani, Gallantmon flying away form his parents and his cousin Kai, Jeri trying to reach Calumon, Gallantmon flying over the D-Reaper, Skuyamon and Megagargomon coming in, Terriermon on Renamon's head, Justimon appearing, all the tamers modifying the Red Card, thar rainbow thing coming down from that bubble, the fight between the tamers and the D-Reaper, Ryo and Rika, "You are the Digimon Queen, second to the Digimon King!" o.O, Ai and Mako getting their Digivice, Jeri talking to the D-Reaper, that sickle thing that D-Reaper agent attacked Takato with, Grani's sacrafice :'( (We''l never forget you Grani!), and Gallantmon and Grani becoming one mega Digimon.
Comments: Ok. I know Kazu and Kenta got arrested, but in the next episode, they appeared! What happened!? But anyhow, this episode was really good. I loved it. Also, what was going on between Rika and Ryo?
Rating: 5

Such Sweet Sorrow

Didn't like: What Sakuyamon looked like after she gave her strength to Ryo, How henry looked inside when he was spinning, the Digimon de-digivolving, and viximon's voice.
Favorite Parts: When Justimon askes Sakuyamon to give him her strength, Rika caring for Ryo, Woah, some sparks flying between then huh? He called her pumpkin... o.O,  Ryo strugling with her power, Jeri holding her digivice, the D-Reaper's bubble thing destroyed (well only half of it), Justimon slicing the agent in half, the agent coming back again, Megagargomon spinning, Gallantmon destroying the agent, Gallantmon getting grabbed by the D-Reaper, the D-Reaper screaming when it got sucked into that portal thing, Takato rescuing Jeri, MarineAngemon with his hearts, *Crying like crazy* Wha, the Digimon going away, Henry's dad telling him what he had to do, his dad begging for forgiveness, the In-Training digimon going away, Takato making his promise with Gigimon, Gigimon's voice heh, and the ending, the closing of season 3, Takato finding the portal to the digital world in Guilmon's house thing in the park...
Comments: The season overall, 5/5. And a very beautiful ending. :)
Rating: 5